Short Circuit & Coordination Studies
Any time a change is made to a power system, the available short circuit and protective device coordination should be evaluated. In order to ensure a safe, reliable design, each device should be evaluated for proper short circuit levels and acceptable voltage ratings. The coordination of protective devices is essential in order to minimize the risk of injuries, equipment damage and down time.
Premium Power Services, LLC utilizes state-of-art power system software tools to produce accurate, cost effective studies. These software tools allow our engineers to maintain a comprehensive library containing protective devices from all of the equipment manufacturers.
Our practical experience allows us to perform safe, efficient field surveys. The engineers and technicians who perform the field surveys are all NFPA 70E certified and wear the appropriate PPE.
Updated single-line diagrams are provided with each short circuit/coordination study. Updated single is essential for field service facility maintenance personnel to perform safe, efficient system switching and services.